Pure Vegetarian108 Indian-Inspired Recipes to Nourish Body and Soul

Enter Lakshmi’s kitchen and be enveloped by the aroma of warming spices, the bright colors of fresh-cut vegetables, and the sounds of contented, communal laughter. It is here that she has perfected her Indian-inspired recipes, updated for the Western palate. Lakshmi’s vegetarian fare is simple, elegant, never fussy, and always inviting. Her philosophy is that pure food is not just organic, natural, and sustainable—it benefits the planet too.

From simple homemade dairy products to traditional sweets made with just a handful of ingredients, Pure Vegetarian’s 108 recipes show you how to prepare and serve colorful, nourishing food that cultivates joy in the kitchen.

Recipes include:

-Homemade cheeses, yogurt, buttermilk, and other organic dairy
-Fresh-baked flatbreads and snacks commonly served in Indian homes
-Wholesome legume and rice dishes, packed full of seasonal vegetables for hearty meals year-round
-Fragrant spice blends to accent all kinds of sweet and savory dishes
-Salads, sprouts, chutneys, and sauces to flavor any meal
-Sweet desserts, confections, and refreshing drinks to satisfy any palate

Along the way you’ll learn how to stock a nourishing vegetarian kitchen and how to prepare food mindfully and with heart. You’ll also see how even the simplest of foods can become generous offerings to friends and family.

Lakshmi Wennakoski-Bielicki is a photographer and the creator of the food blog Pure Vege. She started cooking when she was running a bhakti yoga center in northern Greece with her husband fifteen years ago. She learned to navigate the vegetarian kitchen while following a monastic order in an ashram. For her, food nourishes body and soul alike, and her commitment to ahimsa (nonviolence) is at the core of her lifestyle and her cooking. She offers vegetarian cooking classes, consulting, and catering in Helsinki, Finland.

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