PreservingConserving, Salting, Smoking, Pickling

Classic French preserving techniques updated for a modern audience.

A vibrant package crammed with every recipe you’ll ever need to conserve, salt, pickle, and smoke your own fresh produce.

Written by Ginette Mathiot and revised and updated by Clotilde Dusoulier of Chocolate and Zucchini.

Preserving is an incredibly popular trend in food books and is growing. This book stands out as it includes techniques for smoking, pickling, and making charcuterie, allowing both home cooks and chefs to learn new preserving techniques.

Ginette Mathiot (1907–1998), Officier de la Legion d’Honneur, taught three generations how to cook in France and is the ultimate authority on French home cooking. She wrote more than 30 best-selling cookbooks, covering all subjects in French cuisine. Je sais cuisiner was her definitive, most comprehensive work, which brings together recipes for every classic French dish.

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